Professors in the School of Education are active participants in helping you reach your educational goals. Our courses are developed 和 delivered by faculty who integrate classroom techniques with best teaching practices, 现实世界的经验, 也是基督教的道德, 道德, 以及领导力的价值观.
本科教师资格认证项目联合主任 & M主任.Ed.
Dr. 迈克尔Schulteis has been a full-time faculty member in the School of Education since 2003, 专门从事科学和数学教育, 教学方法, 课堂管理与研究方法课程, 并指导研究生的研究项目. His educational 研究 has focused on evolution education in parochial schools.
本科教师教育项目联合主任 & 教师资格认证项目高级主管
Dr. 丽贝卡·斯坦顿 has been teaching in the School of Education at Concordia since 2005, 专门从事中学教学方法, 课堂管理, 差异化教学. 作为大学学生老师的导师和家长志愿者, 她在K-12的教室里度过了无数个小时. Her sons' special needs have inspired her interest in how the brain learns 和 how to set up positive, 包容性学习环境. She presents on various teaching strategies at local, regional, 和 national conferences.